The Chain Gang Cometh

Breaking News! From the Files Tuesday

Anti CCSS/ESSA Warriors, when I share what I just found out, I hope the chorus from The Pretenders song,“Back on the Chain Gang”, doesn’t pop into your head. I know it did in my head. The chorus goes, “We’re back on the train; oh back on the chain gang.” However, look at the last verse,
“The powers that be
That force us to live like we do
Bring me to my knees
When I see what they’ve done to you
But I’ll die as I stand here today
Knowing that…”

So, What in the World Would Invoke This?!

That’s right..another *&&^%* fed bill connecting education to anything that could even be considered related, no matter if it truly is or NOT. This one doesn’t have a number yet, that I could find. Notice the language in the tweet in the middle…‘we must’.

I want to pause and state for ‘the record’ that I agree there are things, we as a people MUST do, but as a federally controlled government? NO! Especially when you factor in how EVERYTHING about education is NOT a Constitutionally protected federal jurisdiction! Think about it, since the federal government has NO legality over education, they shouldn’t be able to include education into some area that is their business. By no means am I an expert on our penal system.  However, I DO know education! So, for the remainder of this article, I’ll lay out the federal overreaches into education from a juvenile justice angle.

First Up, Before ESSA, “At-risk” Measures:

From my 2014 article about ‘alternative education’, where you will find every student population OUTSIDE a public school student, as well as certain student populations INSIDE public education defined.
“At-risk” students fall into BOTH categories. “The Dropout Prevention Center/Network notes that CTE (Career Tech Education) is one of its 15 solutions or strategies. The Center/Network believes “such as individualized instruction, service-learning, community collaboration, mentoring, active learning, and educational technology. According to the Center, “A quality CTE program and a related guidance program are essential for all students.” CTE was identified to have five potential benefits to at-risk students by Schargel and Smink in Strategies to Help Solve our School Dropout Problem. These benefits include enhancement of students’ motivation and academic achievement; increased personal and social competence related to work in general; a broad understanding of an occupation or industry; career exploration and planning; and acquisition of knowledge or skills related to employment in particular occupations or more generic work competencies.”

If you’ve not read this, please do. While the information is a bit dated, we, as anti CCSS/ESSA Warriors know the value of information. The resources in the article are key to our current fight. See:

Secondly, Before ESSA was ESSA:

Not so long ago, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) wasn’t called the “Every Student Succeeds Act”. The House had their own version of a made over ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Act, 1965), and called it HR5 or the “Student Success Act”. The Senate had their own version, S1177 or the “Every Student Achieves Act”.

“ESSA” as we know it was a combined effort to take the much more effective HR5 and ‘water it down’ with the S1177.

So, what did HR5 AND S1177 have in regards to ‘at-risk’ students? Here’s an excerpt from my 2015 article about CCSS/CTE updates. “reveals how IDEA funding and more, are being abused for the post-secondary alignment to all things CCSS, CTE for students with any sort of special needs, or ‘at risk’ students. Even if you do not have a student in either of these populations, it is OUR tax money which funds IDEA.”  I urge you to go back and read what’s in this jam-packed informative article. See:

If you want to see details about how SEL (Social Emotional Learning) is being abused by the CCSS Machine and will be used for ‘at-risk’ students (as well as others), see:

ESSA Embeds WIOA and HEA, A Toxic Triangle:

ESSA: Every Student Succeeds Act
WIOA: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
HEA: Higher Education Act

 You know how well I’ve shown you the documents, links, and resources which tie these 3. When you factor in ‘at-risk’ students, however, you are going to get Civil Rights groups, Drop Out groups, social justice/awareness groups, and anti-poverty groups.
Warriors, do NOT misunderstand me. I am NOT anti-education; anti-job; or anti-rehabilitation. But as evidence has shown us, when our Congress is bending anything AND everything to meet the CCSS Machine’s agenda of any and all education/education related, or service related activity to the workforce based education system SOMETHING it’s definitely toxic.

ESSA has definitive language for ‘at-risk’ students. One of the chief ties in ESSA connected to these students is WIOA. Here’s an excerpt you’ll need, “The Department of Labor has administered the YouthBuild program since September 2006. The YouthBuild program is administered by the Employment and Training Administration’s Office of Workforce Investment, Division of Youth ServicesYouthBuild is a community-based alternative education program that provides job training and educational opportunities for at-risk youth ages 16-24. Youth learn construction skills while constructing or rehabilitating affordable housing for low-income or homeless families in their own neighborhoods.” See the entire article:

From August 2016, this article will give you an easy trail to connect the National Drop Out Prevention Network to ESSA AND the UN’s 2030 Goals for global education

This is Our Choice?!

So, The House of Representatives Wants an Update:

 I guess the rhetorical question should be WHY is Congress being allowed to create legislation which violates our U.S. Constitution? Think about it, these honored public servants take oaths to protect their State level Constitutions, but they ALSO take an oath to protect (at ALL costs) our U.S. Constitution!

To see the ‘facts’ the House has put together about this update 1974 Law:

To see the House’s Summary of why this is a great idea to update this Law:
(*Note: look at the familiar words or phrases we’ve seen connected to ESSA, WIOA, and HEA)

Key things this updated Law will mandate for the States:
a) It’s 96 pages long
b) It re-authorizes AND improves its predecessor (Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974)
c) ‘The improvements’? “other purposes”. We’ve seen this when ESEA was re-authorized, and a plethora of other fed laws. This is how bills with one purpose suddenly morphs into a multi-purpose bill.
d) From Page 3, “‘‘(4) to support a continuum of evidence-based  or promising programs (including delinquency prevention, intervention, mental health, behavioral  health and substance abuse treatment, family services, and services for children exposed to violence)  that are trauma informed, reflect the science of adolescent development, and are designed to meet the needs of at-risk youth and youth who come into contact with the justice system.’’.”
(*Note: considering the evidence by other anti CCSS Warriors about the use of Title One funding for behavior management, that should be warning enough.)
e) On Page 6, I saw ‘data mining’, shortly followed by ‘chemical agents’, then ‘isolation’. I don’t need to tell you the chemical agents were spelled out. Very creepy!
f) On the top of Page 7, that ‘isolation’ is defined as 1o minutes or more. Again, creepy! (Be sure you look at the medical personnel involved. Also, be sure to see the reference to ‘restraints’.)
g) On Page 8, the descriptions of how students are identified as ‘at risk’ and in need of behavior interventions.
h) On Page 9, the assessments included will include ‘previous records’, you can bet transcripts or report cards will be included.
i)  On Page 10, the pointers to psychology measures. Think about all the anti CCSS research which has pointed in that direction.
j) Page 11 begins the section for long term juvenile justice systems. Consider the documented cases already in the media about children as young as Kindergarten being put on suspension.

Look at this:

If you want to see the SAMHSA’s ‘Project Aware’, where gun control is definitely being put through the CCSS Machine ringer,

If you want to learn how ESSA impacts ELLs (English Language Learners), immigration, and more:

k) On pages 16 and 17 the in-school offenses and data collection via the U.S. Dept. of Ed are revealed. Here’s an article which will encompass most of the groups and student populations discussed so far:


Warriors, there is SO much more in this U.S. House of Representatives bill. As you can see, we haven’t even made it to Page 20 and look at all the ties! I’m not sure about you, but this type of legislation grieves my soul tremendously.
Please, look at the rest of this Bill! If you have connections you easily see, share them! You know I am open to sharing information so we can be as equipped as possible. If you think you see a red flag, that usually means there is one.


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