Ed With No Boundaries

Monday Musings

A couple of weeks ago, I was posting my research on Twitter when I saw a post about a new page to follow. It was for ‘Unbound Education’. Having been so busy, I figured I would get back to digging into it sooner rather than later. Well, anti CCSS/Fed Ed Warriors, it is indeed much later than I wanted, but nonetheless, here is what I have been able to find out. Unbound Education is being touted as the new, open-ended success story in education, but is it really?

New Page, Same Old Education Reform:

Before I get to how I found Unbound and who/which CCSS Machine members are connected, watch this short video featuring a TX school where education is totally ‘free’ from traditional learning:


Did you pick up on the core subjects and how they are taught? Did you hear how most everything is PBL (Project Based Learning) based?

Now, before you assume I am totally against PBLs, I have stated in the past that in moderation AND in the proper context, PBLs can be a great way to learn. However, we have seen evidence and research where the CCSS Machine has (like everything else in education it impacts) ruined PBLs and used them for excuses for collective grades, data mining, and so much more.

In case you haven’t seen the evidence/research:

1) From 2014, my look into the Buck Institute and their devotion to PBLs for Common Core and 21st Century Learning/Skills. From this article, here is a quote, “Project Based Learning is a transformative teaching method for engaging ALL students in meaningful learning and developing the 21st Century competencies of critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration, creativity and communication.” ”
The article: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2014/10/25/sic-em-saturday-ccss-progressives-and-pbls/

2) From 2015, how the Global Readiness for our students of all ages is to play right into PBLs:

3) A look at Micro Schools, which are a part of the ‘unbounded’, PBL education movement:

4) From earlier this year (2016), how PBLs and ESSA are steamrolling over traditional education: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/04/24/full-steam-ahead/

‘Discovering’ the Unbounded Education:

First off, let me clarify that the specific ‘Unbound Education’ I recently saw targets higher education. What you see above has also been posted on Twitter in the meantime.
So, anti CCSS Warriors, as we can glean from this, reforming education to the point of no boundaries, will encompass ALL levels of education.

To find the Twitter ‘Unbound Education’ account: https://twitter.com/search?q=unbound%20education&src=typd
(you can also use your search button from your own Twitter account and type in ‘unbound education’)

No matter if you are in PreK, K-12, or higher education, once on the Twitter feed, you will see all kinds of  information. As the CCSS Machine goes, all the content will be pro-education reform. See the screen shot below to see a sample view:


For Those Warriors in PreK, K-12th Grade Education:

That Minecraft link: http://www.cnet.com/news/minecraft-education-edition-coming-in-june/#ftag=CAD590a51e

The Minecraft/Common Core unified, unbounded, and aligned information (not seen on Twitter):
(Note: Minecraft is Micrsoft, which means Gates ties to the CCSS Machine.)

That IDP Database link: http://phg.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/03/23/0309132516637908
(Note: this is a AU site, hence, global education ties.) You might be interested to know that the IDP Database is an international education research entity based in Australia. Be sure to access their website so you can see all the international, unbounded learning information:

That Acton Academy Houston School featured in the video? Oh, it is part of a network of Acton Academies across the USA and in select global locations. The website: http://www.actonacademy.org/

Be sure to watch the embedded almost 15 minute Disruptive Education video on the main page of the website. Below is a screen shot of the locations of Acton Academies:

One unbounded education note for Acton, there are no classrooms, only studios. You can see this when you scroll down the website’s main page.

From the Acton ‘About Us’, page, you can learn how you can open an Academy (considered a business venture) and learn about the husband-wife team who founded the Academy. See: http://www.launchactonacademy.com/about
(Note: for my TX Warriors, you may be interested to know the husband-wife team is none other than Jeff Sandefer and Laura Sandefer. As in the billionaire couple in oil.)
If you are concerned about the educational views of this couple, you might want to read a 2013 article Mr. Sandefer wrote, http://spectator.org/56101_viva-la-revolucion/

To see what EdSurge has said about Sandefer’s contributions to education, see the screen shot below and then visit the EdSurge address shown. If you aren’t sure how EdSurge is tied to the CCSS Machine, visit the address to my article, as shown.


Before I leave the Acton co-founders, you need to know Mr. Sandefer is considered a note-worthy higher education critic.

For Those Warriors in Higher Education:

As far as ‘unbound higher education’, the Twitter account I referenced above has plenty of links you can access. Below, are just a few:

A Good Reads Review for ‘College (Un) Bound’ and modern education reform:
(Note: what is worth digging into: the data aspects mentioned; the accountability of colleges, universities, and proprietary (for profit) schools that is in the works to align with modern education reform.)

The College Unbound Website can be accessed by visiting, http://www.collegeunbound.org/
Below is a screen shot of not only College Unbound’s Mission, but how they are tied to the Gates Foundation:

One note about the Big Picture Learning is they are set to have their 2016 Conference in July and are having Sir Ken Robinson as featured guest speaker. Robinson is up to his neck in modern education reform for a global society. Just conduct an internet search on him and you will find plenty. In the meantime, you can view his interview with Sir Michael Barber of Pearson Publishing:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeGQZZrew0A&w=560&h=315]

For the last Higher Ed, ‘Unbounded’ resource, be sure to check out the on-line Journal which was featured in the Twitter feed screenshot. The website, https://unbound.upcea.edu/
To access the current 2016 on-line paper, visit: https://unbound.upcea.edu/current-issue/
(*Note: among the topics are alternative credentialing; workforce based learning.)

UPCEA is short for University Professional and Continuing Education Association. The UPCEA has not only created this brand new resource for anyone interested in higher education reform, but are among other Higher Education interested groups in helping steer the conversations (and in turn, influencing legislation) on the HEA (Higher Education Act). See the information, access the full press release: http://www.upcea.edu/content.asp?contentid=459
(*Note: CCSS Machine members Pearson Publishing and Blackboard are among UPCEA Strategic Partners. To see all the Partnershttp://www.upcea.edu/partners)

, I hope you have been able to see than our education road is NOT to be Unbound at all! From all the twists and turns; ties and partners exposed above, we can see that the CCSS Machine is in fact, BINDING our students of ALL ages and in EVERY educational choice.


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