Special Edition News

Breaking News!
Anti CCSS/Fed Ed Warriors, the last article I wrote for you featured the General Assembly global education group. Connected to them is WhiteBoard Advisors. Today’s article gives you a speedy guide as to how these two and others are gunning to reform education to that of a for-lining-their-pockets-while-breeding-and-branding-more-CBE(Competency Based Education)-especially-in-higher-education.

First off, the May 2016 document from The White Board Advisors (“Education Insiders Report”)
Whiteboard_Insider_May 2016_0

Mentioned in the Report are the WhiteBoard Advisors, General Assembly, the HLC (Higher Learning Commission), EQUIP Experiment, Western Governors University, and HEA (Higher Education Act) priorities.

Below are related, key pieces of evidence for the CCSS Machine involvement:

1) How WhiteBoard Advisors,W/A (as they call themselves) tie to General Assembly (a hybrid CBE based global ed group) and venture capital investment firms bent on reforming education in a toxic, profit making way:

2) The White House led EQUIP Experiment delivered to America via the U.S. Dept. of Ed and the U.S. Dept. of Labor links:
(2015) Ed’s: http://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/fact-sheet-department-education-launches-educational-quality-through-innovative-partnerships-equip-experiment-provide-low-income-students-access-new-models-education-and-training
White House/Labor’s: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/11/17/fact-sheet-white-house-and-department-labor-launch-100-million-techhire

3) The Higher Learning Commission,HCL (oversees the North Central US States in Higher Education/accrediting, etc.): https://www.hlcommission.org/About-the-Commission/about-hlc.html (*Note: the U.S. Dept. of Ed is their gatekeeper; HLC is considered gatekeeper for Title 4 funds) Title 4 funds are Perkins Loans (used for CTE, Career Tech Education courses); PLUS Loans, Pell Grants, etc

The U.S. Dept/Ed Higher Learning Commission audit (where CBE is encouraged):

While I couldn’t locate the sources of HLC’s funding, I did find the 2010 Contractual Agreement where 3rd parties are allowed access to information: http://dmi.illinois.edu/nca/ContractualRelationships2010.pdf

My 2015 article featuring HLC and Common Core, Career Tech Ed and how it is related to the CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation):

4) Western Governors University ties to the CCSS Machine and what it means for Higher Education:

5) HEA ties to the Vice President (you will see his work mentioned in the White House/U.S. Dept of Labor link above):

The VP, CTE, and unions: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2014/11/16/rmt-vp-unions-career-tech-and-common-core/

6) Ties of the CHEA, CCSS, and CTE for America:

7) For those not sure how CTE and CCSS intersect:

8) Tying proprietary post-secondary education to the CCSS Machine:

9) Tying the HEA to the ESSA:

If you are a bit confused by this speedy guide, these references and others will be given in detail tonight (5/18) on the Women on the Wall national conference call. You can access the Call: 302-202-1110, code 702165. One of the biggest pieces to tonight’s call will be the up close look at Page 6 of the Education Insiders Report, where the most popular candidates up for the next U.S. Secretary of Education will be vetted by Diana Anderson, a long time education researcher. Join me, this is a vital call we need to understand in our efforts to fight the War Against the Core!

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