Weekend News for the War Against the Core

Weekend News

For the last weekend in April (2016), I wanted to leave you with a few things every anti CCSS Warrior needs to know about P3s (Public private partnerships). If you missed these, you can now find them in one place. If you haven’t gotten this information before, you now have some great tools to use.

Blasted P3s!

If you have followed my research long, you know that time and time again, the P3s keep showing up in the midst of the CCSS Machine and its grinding away at America. Like everything fed through the CCSS Machine, P3s and their intent is not good for education at all.

What once was to be a healthy relationship between government and the private sector has become a holy hell. Consider this: early P3 relationships concerning the private sector and schools were to BUILD the schools. That way the private sector could return to their private business and the schools could get on with teaching.

But in the shift to CBE (Competency Based Education) aka OBE, (Outcome Based Education) the private sector has done more than build the schools, they now help guide what is taught. Meanwhile the schools have appeared to have no problem selling our kids education out in the process.


In the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), States will be awarded big bucks for allowing MORE P3s in our schools, not less. P3s will get to work with the LEAs (Local Education Agencies) to determine if a student is ready to proceed to the next grade level. (Page 137 of the ESSA Final Conference Report states this.)

Recently, while on a national webinar/conference call with a pro CCSS group concerned about the ESSA and civil rights, they brought up the fact that P3s were a great thing in schools. When I asked them about Page 137 and the mandate; how would the P3s be accountable; how could the P3s do the teacher’s job, they were stumped! I was told that while they didn’t have a good answer they certainly agreed P3s need to be vetted and deemed appropriate.

Warriors, do you see what an open-ended message the ESSA used in this instance? Do you see how fraught with alignment this leaves our States?! Consider the recent news that Planned Parenthood has now been given the green light to open offices directly in select schools across the country. (Source: http://associatedmediacoverage.com/planned-parenthood-announces-on-site-partnership-with-select-public-school-systems/ )

This is a blazing example of a P3 overreach. While it is supposed to be in high schools only, think about the fact our high schools are being redesigned (or already have been) and now include middle school age kids in the SAME buildings!! This means students younger than high school could now have access to the P3, CCSS agenda driven Planned Parenthood.

Please note, Planned Parenthood is not the only agenda driven group. There are plenty more. Ask yourselves, since ESSA has it that groups like this will help determine how ready for the next grade level your student is, HOW will they measure this?!

More on P3s from my blog articles:
https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/03/01/warriors-guide-to-essa-and-private-education/ (*Note: P3s will definitely include the digital makeovers in our homes/schools/wrap around services as laid out in the ESSA.)

https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/01/04/meet-your-new-neighbor-essa-seriously/ (*Note: According to the White House Promise Neighborhood has over 1,000 P3s involved. The White House link to find this is embedded in the article.)

https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/04/19/play-money/ (*Note: just published earlier in April, the article where I featured the P3 group teaching teachers how to run recess/play time and their alignment to the Social Emotional Learning aspects of CCSS.)

https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/04/17/watch-out-alignment-ahead/ (*Note: Also recently published, this one shows how the States will be incentivized to create MORE P3 partnerships for education.)

https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/03/10/update-ccss-cte-stem-and-connect-nc-bond/ (*Note: Will give you an example of how the P3s are in our community colleges already. NC is used as the example.)


Related P3 Information, Top/Down and Spread Around:

From the U.S. Dept. of Ed, the i3 Grantees (Investing in Innovation):

From the U.S. Dept. of Ed, the Promise Neighborhood Awards (will only be up to 2012, as 2013-14, no new awards were given. Also note that Promise Neighborhoods are codified in the ESSA and have an entire Section in the Law, see Section 4624; Others related to Promise Neighborhoods: Full Service Community Schools, Section 2465; 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Section 4001-42016. Each of these will also have P3 involvment/overreach):

While I provide the following as examples, please note that each named partner may also have other partners they work with and are NOT named. Regardless of how trustworthy the names of the partners/groups are, remember, this is all part of the purposed and planned overreach in the name of ‘student success’!

An example from CA of an existing Promise Neighborhood Partnership program:
However, look at the vision behind the Promise Neighborhood in this instance:

Here is another CA example of a Promise Neighborhood, in this one, I saw at least 3 CCSS Machine members (United Way, La Raza, and a Economic and Workforce Development Council)http://missionpromise.org/our-work/mpn-partners/

This Promise Neighborhood in MN is governed by a private council!!
https://www.wilder.org/Community-Leadership/Saint-Paul-Promise-Neighborhood/Pages/Partnership-Council.aspx (Ask yourselves, what does this mean in an ESSA era? Will this type of governing replace current school boards, town councils, etc.?) Think I am nuts for suggesting this question? Remember the ESSA is written as an open-ended law in some of its parameters on purpose! Also, the mandate of student achievement wrap around services basically rubber stamps ANYTHING as long as it can be considered educational, a resource, or both.

From TX, A Promise Neighborhood’s  Picture:
(when you click to enlarge it, notice the tag line at the bottom)

From their Strategic Plan (2013-2107), the following excerpt, “EPN initiated its target setting process in November, 2013 prior to DOE/Urban Institute’s released of its target setting guidance. EPN’s process included thirteen community-wide meetings with over 200 individuals from the broader community and ten small-group meetings with over 50 individuals from specific workgroups (e.g., the Dual Generation Workforce Pipeline workgroup) or specific partnerships (e.g., Out of School Time providers, City Year, all SAISD campus principals and their teams). The process continued up until the submission of the Data Plan on March 31st, 2014.” To get the entire PlanEPN-Strategic-Plan-to-Achieve-Results-2013-2017
(*Note: you will need to know that Head Start is mentioned in this Plan. Head Start is also aligned to the CCSS Machine! Early Head Start is too. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Funding (used in many communities across America) is also aligned.)

For Head Start/Early Head Start:
a) This one will show you many P3s in the educational mix now:
b) This one ties the U.S. Dept. of Health/Human Services and their Substance Abuse/Mental Health Services to all CCSS Machine alignment, top/down style:

For the TANF Funding:
a) See point #3: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/09/29/ftf-more-tracking-the-workforce-aligned-society/
b) How TANF is used in CCSS aligned research for preK and up to accomplish CBE/OBE:

Tying Promise Neighborhoods,P3s, Head Start, and TANF to the ESSA:


I hope I have not confused you on the intent embedded in the ESSA and the P3s. They mean to ruin academic education and replace it with competency based, workforce purposed, social justice minded, and constricted paths for our students. While much is being said about P3s, the danger is what ISN’T being said and how it will be carried out thanks to the ESSA!

As I recently heard an author state about this kind of treatment in another country (I have paraphrased it):
They (those in charge of government/education) do not kill you outright with guns  and knives, they kill you daily by not allowing you to be who you were meant to be or doing what you want.

4 thoughts on “Weekend News for the War Against the Core

  1. Bottom line with education reform: adult breeders providing human capital for the planned global economy. Parents will be reduced to breeders with the government controlling every aspect of your child’s life after birth until death. PARENTS BEWARE. Get your kids out of the system NOW. Implode the system. STARVE THE BEAST. The beast lives only because parents keep feeding it what it needs to survive…..your children!!

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