We have begun another work week, anti CCSS Warriors. Today’s article marks my 420th on in the blogging world! What can we do from this day forward to help preserve our freedom in America? What more is there for us to do to fight for education and its restoration to a true quality based endeavor? In one word: Plenty!
My Recent Past:
If you follow me on Facebook (under my real name, Lynne M. Taylor), you know I have been blocked from sharing news for most of the past 2 weeks. When asked by fellow anti CCSS Warriors ‘Why?’, my answer has been, “Telling the truth.” We all know that Facebook is a ‘card carrying member’ of the CCSS Machine, so it is not really a surprise when any of us get blocked by the Zuckerberg-run organization. I am hardly the first, nor the last, anti CCSS Warrior to experience this treatment. However, we have found for one of the best ways to get information out there is to rely on the network. To that end, I will keep sharing the truth, in spite of the blockage. Why? If I give up, this member of the CCSS Machine will of beaten me in silencing me. I will NOT afford any member of the CCSS Machine that pleasure!
In Case You Didn’t Get the ‘Weekend News’:
Here it is, https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/04/17/watch-out-alignment-ahead/
In it, you will find how Dr. King (US Dept. of Education) is carrying on the pro ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), CCSS (Common Core State Standards), CTE (Career Tech Education), and all the other parts of the education reform. You will also be supplied with information EVERY candidate (no matter how big or small the race they are in is) should be held accountable to. You will get a ‘connecting the dots’ look at total education alignment, from ‘cradle to grave’, and how the ESSA ties to WIOA (Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act) and the HEA (Higher Education Act).
What Is Ahead For Us:
No matter how silenced the CCSS Machine wants us, we must push forward with sharing as much truth as we can. History shows us, the truth always survives, and will always be there to guide us as we carry on our mission. We know, from our previous sharing, that it IS working. How? If it weren’t why would the CCSS Machine be in a panic when we speak out?! The CCSS Machine has discounted us, but they CANNOT stop us! We have been noticed by the CCSS Machine. Therefore, we KEEP up the pressure. Many in Congress are hot under the collar to share with us how GREAT the ESSA is. Many in the media are spinning propaganda out to do the same at rapid speed.
Sadly, much of America is buying it all, hook, line, and sinker. For this reason alone, we should be spurred on to SPEAK more, to keep researching, and getting the REAL truth out there. As I have stated in the past, I will continue to do this to the best of ability for as long as I have breath, or we champion the restoration of freedom/education; whichever comes first.
We Warriors have sacrificed much to get this far in the War Against the Core, but we will have to dig deeper into our reserves. We will have to keep inviting new Warriors to this War. We simply MUST. Consider the true definition of ‘warrior’, as seen below:
Thank YOU for being a Warrior for our nation, our future generations, and our educational systems!
In light of all that is going on, please know I am considering a few actions I hope to not only have your support in, but your participation, as well.
1) I will continue researching, writing, and publishing here on the blog.
2) I am considering a code book type of project (if you will) of anti CCSS Warrior words we can use to alert each other to news to use/share. As in any war, there are spies. Spies use a coded language to communicate. I think it is high time we do so. If the CCSS Machine can doublespeak, we can do one better; use words, pictures, or symbols that make sense to no one but our Anti CCSS Warrior Team. (I will definitely need your help with this. Why? We must work together on something like this, otherwise, it is a selfish, unusable move.) We MUST be a united effort in all we do!
3) I am seriously considering a new, and thus, closed Facebook page. We would need to work together to invite Warriors from all over to join. What is holding me back a bit, is the fact it would be one MORE Facebook page for us to use. I know many of us are overwhelmed as it is NOW. Any thoughts or suggestions you have are welcome.
4) One anti CCSS Warrior is working on a website for me, so that I can be much freer to share research/articles, etc. How you can help (when this website is complete and running) is a) share privately with other Warriors it exists; b) schedule joint webinars, in person speaking, etc.; c) access any of the evidence you need for your specific fight in your State.
Again, thank you for what you do; for fighting for your kids, my kids, and all citizens; for getting up everyday, not sure of what needs to be done in this War, but doing it anyway and to the best of your abilities. Thank you for being a part of the Anti CCSS Warrior Team across America!

Thank you for all you do. I live in Va and as the people keep telling me, we have SOLs, not CC, so we dont have to worry. I believe they are or soon will be tied into the same web as CC is. I know you are busy, but if you find the time, could you address the states that dont have CC, but i believe will be just as effected?
Thanks, I would love to find a way to be able to reach VA, as I know from evidence that CCSS is there, just hiding. Especially in the CTE, post-secondary schools.