Happy April, anti CCSS Warriors! As you can see, a prominent member of the CCSS Machine has foolishly sent me an invitation to join them.
We help encourage each other every time we are blocked from sharing anti CCSS/Fed Ed truth by saying it is a ‘badge of honor’. So, I guess a personalized invitation is ‘a trophy’. Oh, how I ‘hate’ to break it to ASCD, but this is one trophy I will happily discard!
If you think I am being pithy about this, I am. Consider this my way of celebrating April Fool’s Day. However, I know there is serious business to attend to, so let’s get to it, shall we?
In Case You Missed These Recent Truths:
I will confess, March was a whirlwind month for me, so I wasn’t as on target with sharing the following as I have been in the past, especially with my Twitter followers. So, in the spirit of unity, here are the items from March we really need to know about. An informed and active Warrior is much better to War Against the Core! We cannot let up, too much is at stake.
The Fools Line Up:
1) The NEA (National Educators Assoc.) will begin their “Spring Into ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)” campaign, April 3, 2016. The goal? To ‘inform’ as many parents and schools about the great things ESSA will do to restore local control. As we know from researching the ESSA, this is a bold lie. NEA will use its power to bully the nation with this lie. To see what other CCSS Machine members are planning to do similar things to America:
Action Step: This weekend, brainstorm for how the REAL truths about ESSA can be shared in your local areas. To read the rest of the article where I highlighted this (near the bottom of the article): https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/03/31/quick-kill-the-education-romance/
(*Note: After you brainstorm how to combat the lies with the truth for next week, go back and access the VITAL information the rest of article reveals! Post secondary education will need our anti CCSS Warrior truths as well!)
2) CBE (Competency Based Education) will be a requirement for teachers, thanks to ESSA.
Here are the biggest and latest moves being plotted by a number of CCSS fools.
3) Other School Leaders will be aligned to the ESSA, as well as being put into positions to ‘heavily influence’ others under their authority and throughout the local communities. One of their weapons? Title One funding! (Title One is just one of the federally funded education Titles which will be re-purposed.) Read the plots being laid out: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/03/28/principled-leadership-in-the-essa-era/
4) If you want to learn how the CCSS Machine is set to make MORE profits off our citizens across America, then you will need to read this eye-opener. All this profit will be made by adhering to the ESSA (most specifically the passages embedded which allow MORE P3s in education (P3s, public private partnerships).
While the private businesses will reap money, the federal government will reap student and teacher data. Educational data is worth at least $21 billion dollars and is used for the express purpose of a ‘birth to Workforce to Professional Development alignment’. An added fact from the ESSA is that $849 million dollars is earmarked for MORE digital access in education, for education, and to create a streamlined education!
To see the profit making, money grubbing fools’ plans/actions: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/03/29/ccss-machines-dangerous-3/
To see the ESSA’s earmarked funds:
More Fools Rush In:
As the clock ticks ever closer to the full implementation of the ESSA, expect more CCSS Machine members to almost trip over themselves to rush out MORE foolish information, plans, products, services, propaganda, subjective webinars/conferences/resources.
This is a huge bonus for those of us warring against this illegally based modern reform set to impact our entire nation. How?! Think in military terms here, you know your enemy; you know their objective; you know they will not give up.
That said, remember this: we are not giving up either! We are more in number than the enemy. We are more invested in this War than they will EVER be! How? We haven’t sold out, compromised, or walked away with our hands in the air. We have TRUTH! We have ‘gumption’ (ie: guts, fortitude)! We have the protective hearts to do WHATEVER it takes to stand up for those in education. We have the patriotism to stand up and do WHATEVER it takes to unite to save our country!
I leave you with the ‘Warriors Theme’. It was especially created for our U.S. Military forces to support their dedication to our nation. While the images show only Armed Forces personnel, listen to the words, the attitude conveyed, and the precision. Apply it to our War. (Note: There are a few colorful words in the song.)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTs6a0ORdQU&w=560&h=315]