Anti CCSS Warriors, the above screen shot first appeared back in May 2015 in one of my articles exposing how teachers were being aligned to the CCSS Machine. Note that the Digital Promise (DP) is involved. Oddly enough, the folks involved with DP (A White House led Initiative) haven’t let up at all in going to new lengths to align teachers to CBE (Competency Based Education). So, technically speaking, where is Digital Promise now? Let’s find out.
Then (with Digital Promise and Getting Smart):
The entire article where the screen shot is from gives you the other groups tied to the ‘Deeper Learning’ (and more than likely you can find these same groups in the Competency Based Education movement, too.). It laid out the 6 Educator Standards which were set out for educators to adhere to. Trace that back to the CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers). To see this important information:
Now (with Digital Promise and EdWeek):
This CBE for CCR (Competency Based Education for College and Career Readiness) filled webinar took place just a couple of days ago. Being one of those in attendance (and why would I cross over to the pro {CCSS Machine} side?! Research and information we, the opposed, can use and share.)
You can access the Presentation handouts: 160322presentation
The following information is what I was able to glean from those speaking during the Webinar. I am writing from the fellow educator perspective.
1) I was highly outnumbered in the chat room, so most of the questions and comments I saw were from those supportive of CBE for students and very interested in CBE for Professional Development.
2) You can use the #love2learn on Twitter and go back to see all the comments posted about CBE.
3) Be sure to access the embedded short video (in the handouts) which extols the virtues of CBE for Professional Development.
4) Any professional educator deemed as needing CBE Professional Development includes teachers, principals, and librarians.
5) Three prongs to CBE for Professional Development: a) desired outcomes (means earning credit which ultimately is weighed as ‘student achievement’); b) multiple ways for you, the educator to learn (means get those credits); and c) evidence you actually learning something while earning those credits (means you must demonstrate to your peers and assessors that you know your subjects. How are these educator credits displayed? Digital Badges (DBs) or Micro Credentialing (MCs)! The justification for DBs or MCs: ‘transparency’. Transparency in this application means there is data to be collected, tracked, mined, and sold.
So, the PD (Professional Development) will have your information just as mined as students! Go back and look at HOW your success will be weighed, not so much by your experiences, but by your credentials AND student achievement rates!
6) In the works is a CBL (Competency Based Learning) System for educators. The proposed model would combine PD, leverage with student outcomes, be measurable (with ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, educators will be measured ‘6 ways to Sunday’), and be a collective responsibility (which replaces personal responsibility) in education. Among those measuring PD MCs and DBs? Those companies or individuals (were called ‘experts’) creating the DBs/MCs, fellow educators (your peers), and your districts. Now, with the ESSA in mind, States will have to ensure and report to the U.S. Dept. of Ed that each and every educator is effective in CBE for Students. Gone are the days when your teaching experience was relied on. Now you are to judged in how effective you are by the grades of your students! The overall shift for educators is to be FROM teachers input in the classrooms TO student outcomes in the classroom.
7) As the transition in education continues to College and Career Readiness, we must moved away from all former models of PD. Why? You cannot easily collect data about how you learn, your credentials, etc. by the old ways. Those currently creating and issuing MCs/DBs: The Friday Institute, Center for Teacher Quality, and anyone considered an expert in their field.
Some current MCs/DBs which were brought up: Apple Tree Institute is creating DBs/MCs for those in PreSchools and Pre-K classrooms. PD360 was also brought up. Florida Dept. of Education shared they already have a ‘PD Redesign’ program as a result of an educator trip to Boston, MA. Results? PD will include interns in education, embed 8 Essential Instructor Skills, and help instill a ‘grit mindset’ for teachers. was also mentioned at least 5 times by different attendees. Also highly touted was the Rumba Model of PD. The biggest suppliers of MCs/DBs at the moment: and Digital Promise.
(*Note: TeachLive was also brought up as an effective way to shift student outcomes. How? In as little as 15 minutes a teacher can target a virtual student’s behavior and change it.)
8) Most of the MCs/DBs for CBE Educator’s PD is still in its infancy. It was reported that in about 2 years, all should be worked out, running smoothly and enable not only our school districts across America to consolidate PD, but use incentives (funding) to encourage educators to earn DBs/MCs. Also of note, student achievement, engagement in the classroom, and their SEL (Social Emotional Learning) data will be required to help the data gathering so both the educators and students will be on the same page. Guess what?! Every bit of this is in the ESSA as law!
To access the Rumba Model for PD:
To access the Apple Tree Institute’s CBE PD Information:
To access the TeachLive information:
To access PD360:
To access the Sage Initiative:
To access the Bloomboard Information:
To access the FL Dept. of Ed’s PD Redesign:
To access the Friday Institute’s Information:
To access the Center for Teaching Quality:
So, Warriors, technically speaking. Digital Promise is not slowing down in aligning education for all. Especially to the tune of ESSA.
Thanks for your investigation
And report!
Thank you for your support.