Special WYBI: CCSS Recaps

Would You Believe It Wednesday
The "Would You Believe It?" Wednesday is back this week only!
The “Would You Believe It?” Wednesday is back this week only!

A recap of the ‘Recent Past’ and “Not-So-Recent-Past” in the best of the “Would You Believe It?! Wednesday articles. Grouped by topic to help you focus in on only the portion of anti CCSS info you can best use. Please note, these are only the Wednesday articles, I have many, many more on each of the topics below.

The Recent Past:

Just yesterday, a fellow educational activist, Nancy Bailey released her list of the most ‘wonderful blogs, books, websites’ from the past year. I am honored to share with you that Nancy’s article included my blog among her ‘rare coins’ she has been collecting. Also included as great anti CCSS resources are some of the fellow warriors I’ve come to know and trust.
The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition, Stop Common Core NYS, PW Withering‘s blog made Bailey’s list as well. Peter Greene‘s blog was featured as well. Among the books, Karen  Lamoreaux‘s “No Choice, No Voice” was called out. If you’d like to see the entire article, see: http://nancyebailey.com/2015/09/26/highlighting-websites-blogs-and-books/
(*Note: the article will feature all kinds of ‘education’ resources, not specifically anti CCSS ones)

Another anti CCSS Warrior, I’ve come to know, trust, and guest speak (via the phone) with her, is Anita Hoge. Anita’s been such an inspiration and her Twitter graphics for the anti CCSS Warriors to share and use to fight the illegally based education reform are terrific. You can find Anita on the Internet as well. I’m including her archives here which begin in 2015 and go back to 2013. See: http://www.newswithviews.com/Hoge/anitaA.htm
(*Note: Anita’s work on exposing how FERPA, Title 1 funding, and other funding is desperately needed to help fight the CCSS Machine.)

The Not-So-Recent-Past:

From my blog, divided by topic, are the articles filled with facts, documents, graphics, and more.

Thinking Skills/Play and Games:

The Standards, themselves/Assessments:


Career Tech Ed/CCSS/Career Pathways, Career Clusters:

Early Ed to Grad School:

Homeschoolers and CCSS:

Post-Secondary, CCSS, CTE:

STEM, Education Waivers, and CCSS:

CCR/CTE/CCSS/STEM for all educational choices:

CCSS aligned communities:

For the Anti CCSS Warriors:

Due to previous commitments, my anti CCSS morning interview normally has me unable to post a Wednesday article, however, this week only, that morning interview is scheduled for tomorrow (so no “Tech Thursday article”) at 9:30 am on the Negdog Radio Blog Talk Radio. You can catch me tonight, however, on the weekly Women on the Wall National Phone Conference Call. To access tonight’s free call: 302-202-1110, conference 702165. To access the Negdog interview, call 347-843-4165. Listen in, ask a question, make a comment. Time for the Women’s call is 8:30 pm, Central; Negdog’s is 9:30 am, Eastern. Both calls will be archived for your reference. I thank you for your continued support in my efforts to rid America of the CCSS Machine.

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