Part of the CCSS Machine includes the “College/Career Readiness” movement. Today’s article will focus on the “Career Readiness Certificates” our students are facing.
Maybe you’ve heard of these Certificates. They are available in bronze, silver, and gold. Some states even offer platinum levels. What do these Olympic-like ‘badges’ offer? Let’s find out.
The 50 States:
Each of the 50 United States has a CRC Center. “CRC” stands for “Career Readiness Certificate”. While your state may or may not of been incentivized to have “Common Core”, your state has a CRC entity. For example, I live in NC. The CRC entity here is known as the “North Carolina Career Readiness Certificate”. It’s also based off the Act, Inc.’s “WorkKeys” assessment. Now, if you’ve followed my blog long, you know the assessment is 100% CCSS/CTE aligned; contains massive data mining activities; and helps create a job track that’s set in stone. This way of assessing is not exercising a student’s free choice..it’s manipulating them into a career. It also is a requirement in some states and IF you are job seeking and don’t have a CRC, you’ll not even need to apply. In short, no job. No job means no income. No income means bad news for a student’s well being. What a vicious trap.
If you’d like to see the NC’s CRC website, visit: http://www.crcnc.org/ (be sure to notice the menu to your left. Don’t gasp when you see ‘talent pipeline’. As I’ve reported to your from research and in the field activity, NC is totally devoted to forcing its students into a ‘talent supply pipeline’ situation. Here’s one article I wrote and published back in 2014 about the ‘talent supply pipeline’: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2014/11/19/wybi-wednesday-flying-minds-common-core/
For a NC specific article on the subject:
From NC’s website, I was linked to a National CRC website. That’s how I discovered each of the 50 states is involved with CRCs. That website is:
http://nationaloccorg.siteprotect.net/crc/ Below, is a screen shot of the website.

This website is clear to point out it is not associated with the “WorkKeys” assessment. It also sends you to another national website. Before we leave this website, I feel I must point you to the 2008 downloadable book on the history of the CRC. In this War Against the Core, if we don’t take the time to study the history behind the illegally based education overreach, we may miss vital clues as how to help STOP this overreach! Be sure to read this!! http://nationaloccorg.siteprotect.net/CRC-handbook.htm
The Next National CRC website:
This website you are pointed to from the former one (see above), is the “National Organization of Career Credentialing” (website: http://www.nationalocc.org/) It’s a 501c3 group devoted to improving a person’s life while boosting the national economy. Wow. What an agenda. Imagine how demeaning it is for anyone to hear ‘no’ when it comes to getting a job IF you aren’t credentialed…nationally.
The NOCC’s president is the same one who wrote the history of the CRC! It is supported by public donations. See who else is a board member: http://www.nationalocc.org/board/
As far as the rhetoric, the fallacies, and the aligned Workforce agenda, NOCC makes no effort to hide its true feelings. See the below screen shot.

Note that between the NOCC and the National Career Credentialing Consortium, Dr. Boling cites resources that are ALL aligned to the CTE/CCR/Career Pathways agenda that are also part of the CCSS Machine. For example, “Pathways to Prosperity”, the joint project between Harvard University and Pearson Publishing is what helped set the Career Pathways Network into motion. Career Pathways is part of the CTE (Career Technical Education). It can also include the CCR (College/Career Readiness). Want more truth on the Pathways to Prosperity? See my previously published article, https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/01/08/tech-thursday-national-career-pathways-network/ This article includes the 10 agenda points created to support this network. Note the ones which involve our legislation..especially the WIOA of 2014. (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014).
The Doctor’s Ties:
The PhD who sits on the Board for the credentialing consortium and is president of the other national organization is Dr. Barbara Boling. Her ties to Workforce and CTE aligned education are well placed. She has an official biography on the NGA website (as in the National Governors Association). To see Dr. Bolin’s bio from NGA (where she’s a Workforce Advisor), http://www.nga.org/files/live/sites/NGA/files/pdf/0501WORKFORCEADVISORSBOLIN.pdf
Bolin used to work for Dell Computers , as well. However Common Core tied those connections are its the excerpt below which is huge.
“In December 2002, Governor Mark Warner of Virginia announced his workforce reform agenda, which included the appointment of a high level coordinator for workforce development. In July 2003, Governor Warner hired Dr. Bolin as Special Advisor for Workforce Development”
Why is this huge? Warner is now a U.S. Senator serving VA in Washington, D.C.
Go look at his view on CTE. Go research how he voted on the ECAA (Every Child Achieves Act) or S1177..you’ll find he voted ‘Yea’. (see: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/L)IS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?&congress=114&session=1&vote=00249 )
According to his website, he’s helped co-sponsor STEM legislation (another arm of the CCSSI, Common Core State Standards Initiative). See his current Workforce and Education activities: http://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/education
Sen. Warner also has introduced a “Middle Step” CTE legislation! Yes, it’s not enough we have high school CTE and post-secondary CTE, now we must have middle school CTE!
See: http://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/pressreleases?ContentRecord_id=4cae3b51-8a60-4eef-9eca-9830dd7513ee&ContentType_id=be18767f-f5c6-4981-babb-79ae6ecdfc7d
Other CTE Credentialing Articles:
Here I’ve given you the link to my other articles about Career Credentialing. Use them. Each of my articles are written so you have the documents, the facts to use as weapons to fight the CCSS Machine in your state.
1) https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/01/28/wybi-wednesday-ice-chilling-our-education/
2) https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/01/27/ftf-tuesday-iassc-universal-certification/
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