Usually my Monday’s posts are about my feelings on Common Core situations. Today, however, I’m featuring an interview one of my fellow warriors shared with me. As a fighter against Common Core, I urge you to listen!!! Many of the comments you’ll hear from her are specific issues about CCSS that many of us warriors may already know (or in my case, researched, written about). However, how Mrs. Hoge details it IS a ‘must hear’!!
The Interview:
“Caravantomidnight” (website: http://caravantomidnight.com/) show from 1/21/15 featured Anita Hoge. A well known education researcher, among other areas of knowledge. If you don’t know much about Anita, I found a brief bio of her at “Freedom Outpost”. (see: http://freedomoutpost.com/author/anitahoge/)
When to listen:
Begin at the 28:10 minute mark. Here the host will tell you about Anita’s topic. Then Mrs. Hoge explains how and why she began fighting against educational reform that was the precursor to where we are in the fight against CCSS today. From there she’ll mention Charlotte Iserbyt; Pennsylvania’s role in being a guinea pig for the National Assessment, etc. At the 45:00 mark, data collection and The U.S. Dept. of Ed.; 57:00 The government’s creation for compliant citizens; 1 hour mark gives you how Mrs. Hoge defines CCSS; 1:08 ‘what’s your worth (human capital wise) to the nation?’ and the massive agenda that EVERY child is educational deprived, so they MUST be corrected. When you are at the 1:17 hour mark, listen to the way state grants will use ALL students (regardless of where they attend school) are entered into the P-20 data stream (Preschool to age 20); Listening at 1:26, be sure to note the ‘wrap around mental health’ interweaving into schools; Workforce alignment is at 1:33(to include all citizens from preK to retirement); At the 1:36 mark, a short break where you’ll hear Pink Floyd’s “Brick in the Wall”. After this the Gov. of PA discussion resumed; next is the critical thinking via CCSS about 1:47; The ESEA reauthorizing and Lamar Alexander’s Title One debacle at 1:49 (I just wrote about this last week); School choice and your taxes used for CCSS will kill all private education, 1:51; 1:54 homeschooling impact via failing standardized tests, thus being denied work or college; 1:57 Mrs. Hoge brings back up the Title One funding will kill public schools in your neighborhood..so where does the local school board go? AWAY! What will replace, charter schools with NO elected school boards. Therefore no representation for local education! Near the end, 2:02 the Senator’s bill with NO number is on the fast track for vote in March 2015. “Charter schools are public schools”, 2:05; 2:07 a bypass of states rights!! “Free day care” gives us data collection, 2:08; toddler and kindergarten behavior assessing via teachers/caregivers (who are not licensed mental health professionals), 2:10; Mental conditioning for toddlers, 2:12; redefining what special needs is in education will continue mental conditioning, 2:15. At the 2:20 mark, how the U.S. Census will be redesigned to help data collection along. Weak links include data collection, HIPPA not covering educational records, follow this topic. Listen to 2:30, how in some states schools are being taken over and converted into charter schools because assessments aligned to Common Core were failed!
What you need to take away from this:
Collectivism training (If there was an old lady would you push her in the road OR throw rocks at her?) No individualism will be tolerated.
Career Pathway (don’t pass the test at 3rd grade, don’t move on; don’t graduate…)
Blueprint for Learning a Living, SCANS report: http://wdr.doleta.gov/SCANS/lal/lal.pdf
B. F. Skinner’s Plan (radical behavior plan)
Functional Literacy/what are you teaching my child?/how can you assess honesty?
Mental health agenda IS the main point of education reform! FERPA monster moves.
Common Core: transfer of power from local to federal for data’s sake so you can be measured by your attitude.
National I.D. System: http://www.newswithviews.com/Hoge/anita112.htm
See what the information will look like:
E-Scholar, a leader in educational data mining, website: http://www.escholar.com/ {impacts ANY student 29 years and under in all types of schools, not just public}
Interpersonal training at home (passed off as ‘parent involvement’)
Standards Aligned Systems from Pennsylanvia (http://www.pdesas.org/module/sas/aboutsas.aspx)
Title One will follow the child via scholarship or vouchers. Totally changes how your property taxes are assessed via CCSS.
Effective domain: http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/affective/index.html
Pyramid Model for Educational Mental Conditioning: http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/affective/index.html
My article about Sen. Alexader’s massive bill: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/01/18/rmt-will-you-help/
Activist steps:
Listen to the list Mrs. Hoge gives, 2:33
1) Charlotte Iserbyt’s website: http://abcsofdumbdown.blogspot.com/
2) Change HIPPA to include educational records.
3) Parents write letters for informed consent to Superintendents/Principals .
4) Use the Data System resource mentioned earlier to know what items to ‘opt out’ of.
5) Every state has RTI (Response To Intervention). STOP IT!
6) PPA (Protection of Pupils Amendment) will stop the psychological abuse!
7) Watch your property taxes and what happens with the funding, is it staying in my community or is it going to Regional Workforce, State level organizations.
8) Contact your federal legislators and tell them to seek anti Common Core warriors like Mrs. Hoge, Mrs. Iserbyt to appear BEFORE the Sen. Alexander bill can be voted on!!
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