We’re near the end of 2014 and it’s a great time to take a look back at our anti CCSS victories! We’ll be back at it in 2015, for certain. Now’s a fabulous season for counting our blessings or considering the positive movements made against the CCSS Machine.
What We Did Right:
We got loud! No matter if it was in person, on-line, or in print..we made noise!!
We got the shovels out! Regardless of what bull cookies and cow chips the pro CCSS side dished out, we dug in, found the truth and used it!!
We made new friends! These friends helped us when times were great, when times were awful, and gave us support constantly throughout the year!!
We got more organized! The number of groups fighting CCSS, grew so much, it made news nationwide!!
We found out our bravery overcame our fear! When forces to undermine our children surfaced, we all became Mama and Daddy grizzly bears!!
We took ‘it’ to the press! Our letters to the editors, interviews, articles, and books would NOT be denied!!
We became engaged activists! Even better, we don’t typically think of ourselves as activists, but we’ve accomplished it with truth, grace, and aplumb!!
We impressed lawmakers! No matter if they agreed with us or not, we exercised our citizen power in proper fashion!!
We sacrificed time, energy, and our funds! Whatever it has taken, we’ve given it all!! We’ve proven you don’t have to be on someone’s agenda funded payroll to make a difference!!
We turned the tide! No just one of us…all of us!!
We have left no stone un-turned and are not so willing to accept blindly that which the pro-side of CC though we’d lie down and accept!!
All of the above in spite of being made fun of, talking about, marginalized, misrepresented, and looked down upon.
All of the above because of a love of our nation, our children, our Creator (for those who are believers), and our sense of truth.
We are capable, confident; we are equipped, united; we are modern day Joans-of-Arc and Johns-of-Arc! We ARE anti Common Core Warriors!
We’ve had steps of progress in this war, we’ve had steps backwards. We’ve seen some of those in charge step out of line and we’ve seen some step in line to do the proper thing.
We’ve not given up! We’ve been there for our students as they’ve melted down. We’ve been there as our teachers find their jobs turned against them. What makes us unique? We held out our hands in support to comfort, to guide.
We, my fellow warriors are not just the “A Team” against CCSS, we are “THE Team”!!
*Important note: As of today, I’m on Christmas break. The ‘best of’ Common Core Diva will begin 12/26.
Fresh stories return 1/5/15. Have a safe and happy celebration of all you hold dear!